Cybher is the first all inclusive female blogger event of its kind in the UK. It’s taking place on the 12th May 2012 at 8 Northumberland Avenue in the heart of London. This one-day event will bring together the most influential bloggers and speakers from all corners of the blogosphere to network, inspire, share and learn. There will be brands – brands that interest all women and not just parents and there will be content – lots of it. In fact there will be so much on offer that you will question how we managed to fit it all in. We’ve taken all of the feedback from previous blogger events we’ve been involved with and we can promise that Cybher 2012 will be more memorable in every single way.
Phasellus elementum orci id tellus interdum eleifend. Nunc odio metus, pulvinar posuere aliquam non, tincidunt vel lectus. Nam enim felis, vulputate at pharetra sed, sagittis vel dolor. Suspendisse malesuada tristique neque, nec condimentum diam elementum porta. Praesent sed leo ligula. Donec hendrerit iaculis mattis.
Aliquam nulla urna, viverra sit amet tristique non, tempor non leo. Phasellus feugiat mauris vitae leo malesuada sollicitudin. Donec varius ullamcorper nibh. Integer eget massa porta turpis aliquet semper.